Certificate on synology

hello, I’m running my website on my own synology server, I have installed the Letsencrypt certificate from the DSM and all seems ok (i put www.citaresort.com as domain), but when I go to the website it doesn’t show secure connection.
I have both 80 and 443 port open, already set to redirect HTTP to HTTPS.

Where I buy my domain I only set these 2 entry:
A + Dynamic DNS Record @
A + Dynamic DNS Record www
both are updated with my ip address from my DDNS inside the synology.

My domain is: citaresort.com


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Hi @citaresort

there is a check of your domain, 40 minutes old - https://check-your-website.server-daten.de/?q=citaresort.com

Your ip address records are correct.

Your certificate

Issuer not before not after Domain names LE-Duplicate next LE
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2019-11-14 2020-02-12 citaresort.com - 1 entries duplicate nr. 2
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2019-11-14 2020-02-12 citaresort.com - 1 entries duplicate nr. 1

is wrong. If you have both domain names (non www and www), you should create one certificate with both domain names. There should be an option in your DSM to do that.

So your non www version has the correct certificate, your www version not.

PS: Looks like now your site has a certificate only with the www version. So the non-www version isn't secure.

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ok thank you, I didn’t find an option to update both certificate. Actually is maybe better to redirect the citaresort.com to www.citaresort.com at the hosted side? So only using one certificate? What is the most clean solution?


not the question. There should be an option to create one certificate with both domain names. If there is no such option, you shouldn't use the www version.

ok found!
thanks again

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