I am not currently able to renew my certbot certificate. I have of course searched the forum but have not found a solution. Being a total noob when it comes to certificates, the error here is most likely user-error.
Any help highly appreciated, and thanks for even reading this far.
I’ve filled out what I could below:
My domain is: fortuna.obsidiancode.io
I ran this command: sudo certbot renew
It produced this output:
Hello, thank you for your reply.
When I ran: curl -v https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
I get this output:
* Trying
* Trying 2600:1408:17:187::3a8e...
* Immediate connect fail for 2600:1408:17:187::3a8e: Network is unreachable
* Trying 2600:1408:17:1a0::3a8e...
* Immediate connect fail for 2600:1408:17:1a0::3a8e: Network is unreachable
I don’t have IPv6 set up on my EC2 instance, but that didn’t stop me from creating the certificate, and until the certificate was down, the EC2 instance could connect to the internet yes. I will re-check all the connections inside AWS though.
I have found that the error - like I expected - was mine: bad setup of my AWS made connection impossible.
I have now corrected my AWS setup and ping and traceroute both work.
I was able to run sudo certbot renew and it ran successfully, but I'm unclear as to the next step as my website still isn't up.
I'm happy to close this question though as that's a related but different issue.
Thank you all for reading and helping, much appreciated.
After you renewed the certificate, did you attempted to reload the web server?
(You need to do that if you are using certonly and did not specify a installer)
@stevenzhu, that did it! I don’t know if it’s the ‘right way’ to solve the problem but it seems to have worked. In any case I would not have been able to fix this so fast with your help, so thanks and kudos to you!
If this is not the ‘right way’, please do let me know.
What I did:
I set the SSLCertificateFile value to /etc/letsencrypt/live/fortuna.obsidiancode.io/fullchain.pem
and the SSLCertificateKeyFile value to /etc/letsencrypt/live/fortuna.obsidiancode.io/privkey.pem