Certbot ran normally, but certificate files remained unchanged

Several days ago I witnessed strange problem when renewing LE certificate for cheng-tsui.com domain.

The certbot (Ubuntu 16.04, certbot 0.31.0-1, installed from its repository) ran (via Cron job) without apparent errors, yet certificate files remained unchanged until I manually ran the certbot in standalone mode.

I haven’t seen such a behavior earlier. The exact command used to renew certificates on that system:

certbot renew  --webroot --webroot-path /var/www/letsencrypt/

(all corresponding changes have been made to Nginx configuration to allow accessing /.well-known/ based URLs; if required, I’ll post those configuration parts)

Other domains on the system were unaffected by this quirk.

All the certificates on the system were initially created using ‘–standalone’ authenticator.

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Can we see the renewal.conf file for that domain?
[and any logs that show the failed attempts]

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