August 26, 2019, 7:11am
I am trying to obtain certificate for my domain using the command
sudo certbot certonly -w . -d mydomain.com
I can access the file created inside ./wellknown/acme-challenge/test
Can someone point me to what am I doing incorrect?
mydomain.com is not actual domain and I use my actual domain while running command
August 26, 2019, 7:34am
If you hide your domain, there’s little we can do to assist you.
Based on your error, the most likely guess would be that your domain is setup with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, but the IPv6 address points to the wrong server or isn’t properly routing to your virtual host.
-w .
is a bit risky as well, it’s better to use an absolute path.
Hi @test
why is there a file? That must be a folder.
Rename the file (file name 1234), then create the subfolder acme-challenge, then move the file 1234 in that subfolder.
Then try to load that file via
What's the complete path of that file? Use the first part (without .well-known/acme-challenge) as -w parameter.
PS: Ipv4 and ipv6 have the same http status 404 checking a not existing file. So that looks good.
August 26, 2019, 4:09pm
Hey @JuergenAuer , couldn’t follow your suggestion
do you suggest to specify the complete path
sudo certbot certonly -d zoodly.uz/.well-known/acme-challenge
instead of
sudo certbot certonly -d zoodly.uz
No, your first command is incomplete.
Must be
sudo certbot certonly --webroot -w yourWebroot -d zoodly.uz
yourWebroot must be the local path in your filesystem.
The test file works -> so you have found your correct webroot. Then use it.
still the same error.
Please share your complete command. And the complete path of your test file .well-known/acme-challenge/1234
September 25, 2019, 6:32pm
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