Certbot 1.31.0 Release

Certbot 1.31.0 has just been released. The changelog for the release is:

1.31.0 - 2022-10-04


  • If Certbot exits before setting up its usual log files, the temporary directory created to save logging information will begin with the name certbot-log- rather than a generic name. This should not be considered a stable aspect of Certbot and may change again in the future.


  • Fixed an incompatibility in the certbot-dns-cloudflare plugin and the Cloudflare library
    which was introduced in the Cloudflare library version 2.10.1. The library would raise
    an error if a token was specified in the Certbot --dns-cloudflare-credentials file as
    well as the cloudflare.cfg configuration file of the Cloudflare library.

More details about these changes can be found on our GitHub repo.


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