Hi @teneco,
I suppose you installed certbot using Ubuntu package manager, the above certbot cron job means:
If /usr/bin/certbot
exists, is executable and the dir /run/systemd/system
doesn't exist, execute a sleep command with random time between 0 and 3600 seconds and after that, execute certbot renew command.
So, if your OS is using systemd it will have this dir /run/systemd/system
and above certbot command won't run... never because the package of certbot installs a systemd timer, similar to cron.
You can check the timers used in your system:
systemctl list-timers --all
If you want to stop and disable the certbot.timer
systemctl stop certbot.timer
systemctl disable certbot.timer
And to be sure that in case a new certbot update doesn't activate certbot.timer
again you could mask it.
systemctl mask certbot.timer
But I think your problem is not the cronjob, nor timer, nor renewal conf. I think you have messed the dir structure used by certbot .
Please, show the output of following commands:
ls -lRa /etc/letsencrypt/live/mail.cloud-vngl.*
ls -lRa /etc/letsencrypt/archive/mail.cloud-vngl.*