Updating my e-mail address with certbot

Hi @gauthier,

You don't have to do anything, the timer is working fine but maybe I don't get what yout mean.

I wrote a post regarding this some time ago Cerbot cron job? - #5 by sahsanu if you want to stop the timer take a look to this post Can't renew cert cause of rateLimited - #7 by sahsanu

In your case, /etc/cron.d/certbot is executed but does nothing because you are using systemd. I explain this in the first link I posted above.

You shouldn't have issues https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43088363/how-nginx-reload-work-why-it-is-zero-downtime but it is worth to check it by yourself.

It was just an example, you don't need the rsa_key_size nor remove anything, just add

post_hook = systemctl reload nginx

after the account and you will be good ;).

As I said, you don't need to remove anything nor add anything else but the post_hook.

I've taken note of this, merci.


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