Cannot Bind to Port 80 and/or 443

Hello, guys.

I have an A record with my domain provider pointing to a VM instance in Google Cloud where I'm running a Bitnami application stack. I'm trying to set up an SSL certificate using Let's Encrypt and Bitnami's HTTPS configuration tool as per Auto-configure a Let's Encrypt certificate

However, I'm running into the issue shown in the screenshot below (Cannot Bind to Port 80 and/or 443).

Do you know how I could solve this?


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First, it looks like you configured a web server with the www subdomain and then chose not to configure it for HTTPS. This is likely wrong.

As to the port problem, did you have a web server running before starting that tool?

We will need to know your actual domain name to provide much advice. The answers to the other missing questions are usually helpful in ways not immediately obvious


Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. Note: you must provide your domain name to get help. Domain names for issued certificates are all made public in Certificate Transparency logs (e.g. |, so withholding your domain name here does not increase secrecy, but only makes it harder for us to provide help.

My domain is:

My web server is (include version):

The operating system my web server runs on is (include version):


Hi, @MikeMcQ.

Thank you for your reply. I'm pretty much a newbie, so your help is highly appreciated.

The instance I'm running on Google Cloud was created as part of this deployment: Weblate Cloud Hosting, Deploy Weblate

My domain is, but I want to have this application in a subdomain called I have an A record with my DNS provider pointing to, which is the IP address for the instance running weblate.

Regarding the information about the web server, I believe everything should be in included in the screenshot below, but let me know otherwise.

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(ehm, Y is capitalized because it's the default, not because it wants you to answer capitalized :wink:)


Hey, @MikeMcQ. I was wondering if you saw my reply. It seems a service is using ports 80 and 443, so Let's Encrypt can't use them. The service appears to be "httpd," but I have no idea how to stop it, so that I can run LE, then start httpd again.

I saw it I just didn't know what to do with it :slight_smile:

httpd is Apache. It is a webserver that is currently responding to requests to your domain on both HTTP and HTTPS (ports 80 and 443 respectively). Apache is using a self-signed cert with the name "" for HTTPS which is valid to create a TLS connection but one which browsers won't trust.

In summary, there is some sort of basic starter Apache install

I think you should ask these questions of the weblate group that created that install package you used.

As for your point about "Let's Encrypt" not being able to use port 80 that isn't what is happening exactly. Cert-Manager, for some reason, needs to use port 80 for itself and is not able to so cannot request a cert from Let's Encrypt. Cert-Manager is an ACME Client included in Bitnami which requests certs from an ACME Server like Let's Encrypt.

This, along with above, is why I think you need to ask the package maintainer what to do. This is some sort of config issue on your system and I don't know anything about weblate.


Got it, @MikeMcQ! Thank you very much!


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