Hi, I'm following the doc and I can't make cloudflare go to the proper https route. First than anything, in that documentation where it says Credentials, what am I supposed to do? You left everything in blank to the imagination?
The path to this file can be provided interactively or using the
command-line argument.
Ok.. so what do I do? When I type --dns-cloudflare-credentials
on ~ dir, it doesn't do anything..
I went and created the full firectory .secrets, etc and applied the 600 permission, now where do I put this:
certbot certonly \
--dns-cloudflare \
--dns-cloudflare-credentials ~/.secrets/certbot/cloudflare.ini \
-d example.com \
-d www.example.com
Am I supposed to put it in the nginx configuration of the site? Where?
Thank you, it just frustrating everytime I try to do something and I have to read documentations that are apparently made for who ever created it and not for the public.
EDIT: Never mind, it magically works not, the only thing different was the api on the ini and the permissions ... I haven't touch anything on the conf of the nginx... does it work? yes, is it correct? no idea... congrats to the inept that did that doc..