Acmetool with ACMEv2

Hello everyone.
I recently received the email telling me that my client was not using the ACMEv1 protocol.
I’m using acmetool I’ve done these actions to correct it. I’m not sure they’re the right ones.
It’s mounted on a Centos system.
The steps I followed were.

  • Download acmetool-v0.0.67-linux_386.tar.gz
  • Unzip and overwrite the acmetool file in /usr/lib (I have backed up everything previously)

As I read, the latest version already works with this protocol, but I’m not sure I fixed it. Is there a way to verify that it already works with the ACMEc2 protocol?

Thank you all very much

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The maintainer hasn’t released binaries of a version that supports ACME v2 yet. You need to build it from master, or perhaps try one of the community-built binaries in the comments here.

I, too, am still running the ACME v1 version, but since existing domains will keep working until June 2021, I’m waiting until the acmetool repo gets a binary release.

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