I'm having a strange problem. I have a website created using Tomcat 8.0.3 / openjdk1.8.0_382 on Ubuntu 22.04. I generated a certificate for my domain via acme.sh by following these steps:
Everything was working fine, but after 90 days the certificate was not automatically renewed and I had to do it manually. Now another 90 days have passed and again the automatic renewal did not work. If this was the only problem I wouldn't bother you, but now I can't even renew manually. More precisely, my renewal does not affect the website.
When I check, I see that the certificate is active:
But the old expired certificate is still active on the website.
I also tried these: First I completely uninstalled acme.sh. Then I reinstalled it and created the certificate again, but the result did not change. Restarting Tomcat and making soft reboot of my vps server also made no difference.
How can I fix this situation? Any idea will be appreciated.
Did you also run acme.sh --install? Which apparently installs the cron job for renewal. You can also check manually if such a cronjob is present.
Hmm, apparently this shouldn't be necessary if you'd do the whole curl | sh step.. (Which personally I would NEVER do, IPU knows what kind of code you'd be running ) Probably a good idea to double check the presence of the cronjob though.
OK, I'm pretty sure that's NOT how/where acme.sh stores the cert files.
So, something must happen between the time the cert is acquired and when Tomcat is able to use it.
I solved the problem. When I created a new certificate, the file paths became different from those in the configuration file in Apache2 (/etc/apache2/sites-available/example.com.conf). When I fixed them, the problem went away. Thanks for your help.