I have successfully generated a certificate for my domain. It works perfectly, I have used acme.sh to generate it.
However, today my certificate expired and my website was down. I thought the point of using acme.sh was to auto-renew these certificates?
I was able to make my website working again my manually entering the following two commands:
acme.sh --renew -d example.com
systemctl reload nginx
How would I configure my server to auto-renew my certificates in the future? Normally I followed the same steps as here (it is for a different website though).
Currently crontab -l is empty for root and normal user.
I also noticed that executing acme.sh --list as root gives a different output then when I run it as normal user.
As root:
Main_Domain KeyLength SAN_Domains CA Created Renew
example.com "" no ZeroSSL.com
It looks like you're using ZeroSSL as the CA. This is the Let's Encrypt Community, which is a different CA. I'd like you to refer to the acme.sh documentation, which is quite terrible. Personally I have no experience with that ACME client. It might be as simple as you just need to add a cronjob manually? Or perhaps run some acme.sh command which does that for you? I dunno
an online shell script (very ease to use, though it's generally not recommended to execute arbitrary unverified code)
running acme.sh --install
manually setting up the cronjob is fine as well
The acme.sh installation (primarily it's config directory) is relative to the current user's home directory. It is important to run all acme.sh commands (including the cronjob) as the same user. It's generally easiest to run acme.sh (always) as root, but running as non-root also works, if configured appropriately.
And change it to:
I think it is interesting the author chose to continue using LET'S ENCRYPT'S staging environment. Most other CA's apparently do not have a testing environment as robust as ours.
Thanks Mike! Yes it actually is. Either way works. When I looked at my configuration the default CA was Z-ssl .... and i have always used LE... I modified it anyway I have certs renewing tomorrow. It will be interesting to see if any objections occur from the change.
Since I don't run these from the command line I prefer to change the configuration, to be sure.