Thanks for your quick reply, I went to check it in cpanel and I can generate a DNSSEC key but I have to let my registrar finish it.
Once they made what they have to I will try it again.
Fatal error: Parent zone has a signed DS RR (Algorithm 13, KeyTag 31841, DigestType 2, Digest O1m+IDPSV2PB7AcP4+YFiZSsOvPgndH5lnSALdHu9d4=), but the destination DNSKEY doesn't exist or doesn't validate the DNSKEY RR set. No chain of trust created.
If there is a DS in the parent zone, there must be a DNSKEY in the current zone with matching values, that DNSKEY must validate the DNSKEY set.
If not, there is no chain of trust -> DNSSEC is broken.