I am developing let’s encrypt Free ssl for my my website.
I am using below link :
Code Sample
To create account
public async Task CreateAccount()
string path = Server.MapPath("~/cert/Test1.txt");
var acme = new AcmeContext(WellKnownServers.LetsEncryptStagingV2);
var account = await acme.NewAccount("**@gmail.com", true);
var pemKey = acme.AccountKey.ToPem();
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, pemKey);
catch (Exception ex)
When i fetch the account details nothing happen.
string path = Server.MapPath("~/cert/Test1.txt");
string Privatekey = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path);
var accountKey = KeyFactory.FromPem(Privatekey);
var acme = new AcmeContext(WellKnownServers.LetsEncryptStagingV2, accountKey);
var account = await acme.Account();
var accountInfo = await account.Resource();
var account = await acme.Account();
this Line nothing happen.
I am trying it on localhost.
Also give guidline that how i test ssl from my localhost.
Thanks in advance