The operating system my web server runs on is IIS 8
I can login to a root shell on my machine but most manage via Plesk Onyx 17.5.3 Update #64
I’ve been working on this for the past 2 weeks but cannot resolve it. It started out as a non-renewal of the cert but even after deleting it, all attempts at creating a new one have failed so any help is greatly appreciated.
which tool do you use to order a new certificate? Looks like there is a redirect http -> https, because the Detail-Message says something about https. But I
I am using the LE plugin on Plesk. There is no domain redirect but I have a number of sites that share the same ip. my other https sites have LE certs which I have not had any issues with.
Details: Fetching ... : local error: tls: no renegotiation
you have a permanent redirect to " https ", while Let's Encrypt only validates over " http " and your currently used "default" certificate is invalid.
Pls. consider to remove your redirect and your default certificate and start over the certificate creation process and pls. inspect issues/errors/problems with Let's Encrypt over your "panel.log".
However, I did remove the redirect early this morning (about 6 hrs ago) after I deleted the un-renewable cert from the server. I would not have thought it required propagation.
I did remove the redirect early this morning (about 6 hrs ago) after I deleted the un-renewable cert from the server. I would not have thought it required propagation. Do the site bindings also need to be amended as they currently show both http (80) and https (443) entries?
Resolved! It would seem propagation is a factor as, at last, the certificate was created. The big question now is will it autorenew or will I need to go through this every 3 months?