Will `--deploy-hook` run if `/etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/ntpsec` exists?

(A quick question related to https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/disable-hook-validation-output-when-failed/229340.)

I pass a --deploy-hook argument to certbot. It is recognized, but does not get executed. In the log, however, I see a mention of /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/ntpsec being executed.

lets encrypt - LetsEncrypt certbot multiple renew-hooks - Stack Overflow says:

Note: On newer (early 2023) versions, you cannot use multiple --pre-hook (or others hooks). Each new directive of the same name will overwrite the previous one.

So I wanted to confirm if --deploy-hook is ignored because I have at least one script in /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy.

Certbot version 1.12.0

Thank you!

A post was merged into an existing topic: --disable-hook-validation - output when failed?