I ran this command: certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d *.jack1142-home.duckdns.org
It produced this output: Wildcard domains are not supported: *.jack1142-home.duckdns.org
My web server is (include version): Certbot runs locally on my Raspberry Pi 3, I don’t have problem with server, so it doesn’t matter here.
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): Certbot runs on Raspbian 4.14.52-v7+
So I have absolutely no idea why this doesn’t work, I’m using correct (dns) challenge, I also tried to add --server parameter with https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory address.
0.10.2 -_- well, that sorts out why it doesn’t work… I didn’t know that raspbian’s repository might be that much outdated. It’s over 1,5 year since the package was updated in it :o
Thanks for help, just to make sure, will certbot-auto work exactly the same as certbot? I will use manual hooks anyway, I don’t need DNS plugins.
Were you talking about certbot in general or only certbot-auto? Because if you were talking only about certbot-auto, it looks like in stretch-backports repository there’s more recent version of certbot.
I can check out it later though, because if it has Duck DNS plugin, it might be easier to repair, if something wrong happens.