Wildcards only work for just one level. If you want certificates for a level "lower", you'll need to issue more certificates. It is not possible to get a certificate for www.*.example.com or for *.*.example.com unfortunately.
create a certificate with a lot of domain names: businessdirectory.cc *.businessdirectory.cc www.ottawa.businessdirectory.cc etc. - every subdomain added with www.city.businessdirectory.cc. But that may be terrible.
If you removed all third-level entries (subdomain on a subdomain, e.g. www.ottawa.businessdirectory.cc) , you could use a single wildcard certificate to cover all the subdomains (*.businessdirectory.cc).
However, those customer who visited the third-level entries, would receive "not_resolved" error.... (Which might make things worse since they can't even visit the website), you also need to correct all links / redirects and stop them from redirecting users to the removed entries...
If you want to use a wildcard certificate, you'll need to use DNS validation, which means you'll need to create two TXT records that are required by let's encrypt...(the two records generates when you request a wildcard certificate from Let's Encrypt)
When you are using wildcard certificate from let's encrypt, please also keep in mind that the certificate will still valid for 90 days only.
Yes I have a no blog redirect in place for cities that are not finished yet.
I dont know what to do as my eyes are sore from searching the web. It seems that www.*.domain.com is like two levels and is not covered by lets encrypt SSL. The main domain is covered by www.domain.com. but not my wildcard sub domains like www.ottawa.mydomain.com.
If I create a new certificate, can I include the www.* version? would it work?