Valid period for test functionality of

Hello, is it possible to request for instance in ingress certificate with short validation period like 5 days and renew 2 days before expiry date? I would like to test autorenewal before adoption to prod. Thank you


I'm afraid it's not possible to requests certificates from Let's Encrypt with a different certificate lifetime than the current 90 days.

In the future it might be possible to request short-lived certificates, but that's something currently not possible also.

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Welcome to the Let's Encrypt Community, @kbcz! :slightly_smiling_face:

Just set renewBefore to be something like 89 days (to test renewal in one day). It can be set in hours to be even more efficient for testing.


cert-manager will default to a duration of 90 days with a renewBefore of 30 days. If renewBefore is not set and the duration of the signed certificate is shorter or equal to 30 days, the renewBefore time will be set to 2/3 of the signed certificate validity duration. When setting duration it is recommended to also set renewBefore , if renewBefore is longer than duration you will receive an error.


Google Trusts Services support limited lifetime certs if you want to try it with them.

In general though, if you get a certificate using one method and then don't change anything (especially firewall rules or network config) then renewals will work exactly the same as the original order.


Nice, this is working exactly as expected. Thank you!


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