I know I need certificates for vhost*.domain.com ( or a *.domain.com wildcard!) but for the SSL/TLS mail side, what about host.domain.com, or all of the domainX.com which have nothing in DNS aside from MX records?
just include host.domain.com as any of the other vhost*.domain.com domains so that it is covered by the cert. Then config the mail system to use the cert.
What about SMTP transfers between domains? Do those not use the domain name associated with the address, but trust the MX records and use the mail host’s certificate?
The vhosts all need their own certs, which is what I understood. Just don’t know enough about SSL and SMTP/IMAP/etc services.
I think you use standalone mode. But will have to make sure port 443 is open for it to work. Essentially in standalone mode the client runs it’s own web server instance for doing the domain validation. I think.
the OID for this restriction is usually translated to humans as "ServerAuth" (Server Authentication). Don't know where the "web" comes in here, possibly from browser programmers.
So: don't worry. Will work for any other TLS services (SMTP/POP3/IMAP/FTP/...) as well.
what this really means to X.509 is "you're not required to reject this just because you don't understand it."
the OID for this restriction is usually translated to humans as "ServerAuth" (Server Authentication). Don't know where the "web" comes in here, possibly from browser programmers.
RFC 5280 says:
id-kp-serverAuth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 1 }
-- TLS WWW server authentication
-- Key usage bits that may be consistent: digitalSignature,
-- keyEncipherment or keyAgreement
So the name says one thing and the comments say something slightly else. Can't imagine how anybody could misunderstand that.