Use cert locally

I've got a hosted domain that is using a lets encrypt cert and it covers all subdomains.

Is it possible for me to add that to a local server so my access into that is via https ?
The server is openSuSE based and uses apache2.

This server isn't public facing, I can update the DNS entries on my local server so a subdomain will resolve locally.


In short: YES.
As long as the name on the cert covers the name that is being requested, it will show a :lock:

You would also need a publically resolvable DNS entry for your local subdomain. Let's Encrypt needs to be able to validate the hostname. If the server isn't reachable from the public web by HTTP, you can use the DNS challenge, but that would require a publically resolvable DNS entry for that hostname.

If both the server and the DNS isn't reachable/resolvable publically, you can't get a (Let's Encrypt) certificate.

He already has the cert he is trying to use.
[most likely as a secondary offline LAB of the first]

I see the ambiguity in re-re-reading the question.
It leaves much to the imagination... what is that?

Or maybe we need to apply logic not imagination.
That must refer to something already stated.
There is only one sentence that precedes ot.
That sentence only has three parts:

  1. there is a hosted domain
  2. the hosted domain uses an LE cert
  3. the LE cert covers all subdomains.

So which can he add to a local server?
Not 3, that is merely informational.
Not 1, he can't add a remote host, nor that domain, to a local system
So, it must be 2.
He must be trying to add the same cert.
[which is what I had assumed all along :slight_smile:]

Sorry.. for clarity I wanted to know if I could use the same cert locally and on my hosted domain.

I can update my DNS entries to resolve the subdomain to my local server. I just need to know what needs setting up.


You would need to (securely) copy the public cert and the matching private key to be able to use it in the second system.

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