Unsafe Warning in Chrome/Firefox on iOS

Hello, I need some help troubleshooting a "not secure" warning I'm getting in Firefox and Chrome on iOS devices.

My domain is: freshcoastpools.com

My web server is (include version): nginx version: nginx/1.23.2

The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): Bitnami 6.1.1-2

My hosting provider, if applicable, is: VM in Google Cloud

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know): yes

SSL Labs doesn't have an issue. SSL Server Test: freshcoastpools.com (Powered by Qualys SSL Labs)

Chrome on macOS works fine, Safari works fine.

Welcome @schmdbrgr

Your Let's Encrypt cert looks good. Your nginx server is sending a valid cert and chain. Use a SSL Checker site to see (link here)

The problem is that you have many links in your page to http://. These should all be https:// now that you have a certificate.

I don't recall how you do that in Wordpress but the warning you see is because of these http:// links for the images on your site and not a faulty cert.


Thank you. I just found that too.

Any idea why sslchecker.com lists root 1 as missing?

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Because it does a poor job validating the default "long" chain in current use by Let's Encrypt. Try using either of the below sites for better validation

Or SSL Labs:


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