So I’ve been spending the past 2 weeks trying to get LetsEncrypt to work as a container for my setup.
My Setup:
NodeJS App Container
GhostJS App Container
These 2 app containers are served behind a (official) Nginx Container (NOT Jwilder’s Nginx-Proxy).
The Nginx container then broadcasts the 80/443 to the world to see :).
Now… I’ve been following several tutorials online, but no luck.
Challenge used is http-01.
I kept on getting 404 Unauthorized or Invalid Response From… (the acme url).
I’ve also tested making a test file in /var/www/html as root and /var/www/.well-known/test.html. etc.
Then I repeated similar setup using the acme url into the conf (without the hash), but it produces 404 error.
Yes, I made sure the containers are on the same Docker network.
I followed his steps up to the point where the first certbot staging command was executed. Sadly, it wasn't successful compared to his results. I kept on getting Unauthorized Invalid Form Response from Acme challenge URL and it shows 404 Not Found.
My domain is If you go there now, it's a test file in the same directory he specified in his blog post, just my own maintenance content..
I also tried chmod 777 to /.well-known. - No luck.
I also tried disabling the firewall IPv6 ports - No luck. (yes, 80/443 on firewall is allow)
Also made sure my host for domain setup has the right A address and Cname. No records for IPv6. Still on old school IPv4 - haha. No luck.