Unable to Unsubscribe from Email


We are currently unable to unsubscribe from these specific instance notifications.

My domain's are:

My web server is (include version):

The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): ubuntu

My hosting provider, if applicable, is: aws

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know): yes

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Hi @Seth

please explain. The mail content is required.

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Hi Juergan,

I was told to post my comment here from Jenessa Peterson. What has happened is that we receive notifications for a site that we no longer are hosting, and do not have access to. Could you please remove us from mailing list from these 2 specific sites? The mail is coming to our inbox: info@eclass4learning.com I am not sure what "mail content" is needed. Thanks!

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I'm not Letsencrypt, I'm a freelancer from Berlin, Germany.

Your question is unknown, the content of the mail / the mail body is required. May be it's not from Letsencrypt.


Thanks for clarifying Juergan:

so I did try hitting the unsubscribe button from this email:

we are not wanting to cancel ALL notifications just from specific ones listed

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and then I got this reply-

Does this mean that we are now unsubscribed from ALL notifications?

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Yes. Let's Encrypt doesn't have per-domain unsubscribe, it's per email-address/account.

(At least it used to be this way)

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Yes, this is correct: it is per email address. Newer renewal notification emails have a note about this right next to the unsubscribe link. It looks like the one above is an older email from last year.

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Yes. You are unsubscribed from all emails for the next year. There are instructions on the url you didn't read for a workaround (Expiration Emails - Let's Encrypt), you basically have to update the email address attached to your account.

The action you wanted to take in this situation was to do nothing. You'll only get one (maybe two?) expiry notifications per expiring certificate, and nothing post-issuance.

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Thanks! My mistake. Can someone please advise how I can resubscribe to all of our previous notifications?

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Unfortunately, you’ll need to use a different email address. You can use an ACME client to update your existing registrations to use that new address.

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With this straw...


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