Please show:
sudo systemctl list-timers | grep -i cert
Mon 2021-01-11 23:39:00 GMT 4h 29min left n/a n/a snap.certbot.renew.timer snap.certbot.renew.service
Then it is already set to run/renew your certs
Only one thing left to do/check:
/snap/bin/certbot renew --dry-run
[if not in path]
OK that seems to be running no problems.
I'll see if I can work out how to fix the systemd "Not found" error when I list the unit. Maybe I have to somehow de-register the unit (not sure why that didn't happen with apt remove)
I must have missed that - typing in several chats.
What command did you run that showed an error?
It was:
~# service certbot status
● certbot.service
Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2021-01-11 08:38:56 GMT; 10h ago
Main PID: 5068 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
I guess it must have some file somewhere it's expecting.
I think that is normal, I also get:
service certbot status
Unit certbot.service could not be found.
On: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
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