I’m not really sure where to start or what to do. I hope I’ve provided enough information. Everything was running great until the certificate expired and when I tried to renew, it wouldn’t.
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Processing /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/gitlab.omniteklabs.com.conf
Cert is due for renewal, auto-renewing...
Plugins selected: Authenticator webroot, Installer None
Renewing an existing certificate
Performing the following challenges:
http-01 challenge for gitlab.omniteklabs.com
http-01 challenge for project.omniteklabs.com
Waiting for verification...
Cleaning up challenges
Attempting to renew cert (gitlab.omniteklabs.com) from /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/gitlab.omniteklabs.com.conf produced an unexpected error: Failed authorization procedure. gitlab.omniteklabs.com (http-01): urn:acme:error:connection :: The server could not connect to the client to verify the domain :: Fetching http://gitlab.omniteklabs.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/qUO8nY4rrNtOZJh0eiF8lSLUMrvVecxBBvGPHTp9acs: Connection refused, project.omniteklabs.com (http-01): urn:acme:error:connection :: The server could not connect to the client to verify the domain :: Fetching http://project.omniteklabs.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/uztDz1GH0zDUq2wfjdvihjPzpdH2t2uAjpqXESCy9S8: Connection refused. Skipping.
All renewal attempts failed. The following certs could not be renewed:
/etc/letsencrypt/live/gitlab.omniteklabs.com/fullchain.pem (failure)
All renewal attempts failed. The following certs could not be renewed:
/etc/letsencrypt/live/gitlab.omniteklabs.com/fullchain.pem (failure)
1 renew failure(s), 0 parse failure(s)
- The following errors were reported by the server:
Domain: gitlab.omniteklabs.com
Type: connection
Detail: Fetching
Connection refused
Domain: project.omniteklabs.com
Type: connection
Detail: Fetching
Connection refused
To fix these errors, please make sure that your domain name was
entered correctly and the DNS A/AAAA record(s) for that domain
contain(s) the right IP address. Additionally, please check that
your computer has a publicly routable IP address and that no
firewalls are preventing the server from communicating with the
client. If you're using the webroot plugin, you should also verify
that you are serving files from the webroot path you provided.
My web server is (include version): Server version: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu), Server built: 2017-09-18T15:09:02
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): Linux gitlab 4.13.0-37-generic #42~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 7 16:03:28 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
My hosting provider, if applicable, is:
I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know): yes
I’m using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel): if the gitlab config file counts.
You should review your firewall and/or port forwarding conf because I’m also getting a connection refused error trying to reach your sites.
$ curl -IkL http://gitlab.omniteklabs.com
curl: (7) Failed to connect to gitlab.omniteklabs.com port 80: Connection refused
$ curl -IkL http://project.omniteklabs.com
curl: (7) Failed to connect to project.omniteklabs.com port 80: Connection refused
Okay, so I looked into and apparently Apache was not starting up like it should. It had something to do with permissions in the sites-enabled folder. Both sites come up now.
So now when I do sudo certbot renew --dry-run it comes back with this
omnitek@gitlab:~$ sudo certbot renew --dry-run
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Processing /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/gitlab.omniteklabs.com.conf
Cert is due for renewal, auto-renewing...
Plugins selected: Authenticator webroot, Installer None
Renewing an existing certificate
Performing the following challenges:
http-01 challenge for project.omniteklabs.com
http-01 challenge for gitlab.omniteklabs.com
Waiting for verification...
Cleaning up challenges
Attempting to renew cert (gitlab.omniteklabs.com) from /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/gitlab.omniteklabs.com.conf produced an unexpected error: Failed authorization procedure. gitlab.omniteklabs.com (http-01): urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized :: The client lacks sufficient authorization :: Invalid response from http://gitlab.omniteklabs.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/GEx_VbMqa9zrVH7z3qSF0WHaZkbliFY7HbXC2yUkYtg: "<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="devise-layout-html">
<head prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta content="IE". Skipping.
All renewal attempts failed. The following certs could not be renewed:
/etc/letsencrypt/live/gitlab.omniteklabs.com/fullchain.pem (failure)
** DRY RUN: simulating 'certbot renew' close to cert expiry
** (The test certificates below have not been saved.)
All renewal attempts failed. The following certs could not be renewed:
/etc/letsencrypt/live/gitlab.omniteklabs.com/fullchain.pem (failure)
** DRY RUN: simulating 'certbot renew' close to cert expiry
** (The test certificates above have not been saved.)
1 renew failure(s), 0 parse failure(s)
- The following errors were reported by the server:
Domain: gitlab.omniteklabs.com
Type: unauthorized
Detail: Invalid response from
"<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="devise-layout-html">
<head prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta content="IE"
To fix these errors, please make sure that your domain name was
entered correctly and the DNS A/AAAA record(s) for that domain
contain(s) the right IP address.
@cadtek91, check whether the webroot in /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/gitlab.omniteklabs.com.conf is the same as in your web server conf. If it is the same, put a test file in /path/to/your/webroot/.well-known/acme-challenge/ and try to reach it from a public network.
echo "this is a test" > /path/to/your/webroot/.well-known/acme-challenge/test
It was not the same, however I updated the letsencrypt conf to the same DocuemtRoot from the virtualhost conf
It’s now
omnitek@gitlab:~$ cat /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/gitlab.omniteklabs.com.conf
# renew_before_expiry = 30 days
cert = /etc/letsencrypt/live/gitlab.omniteklabs.com/cert.pem
privkey = /etc/letsencrypt/live/gitlab.omniteklabs.com/privkey.pem
chain = /etc/letsencrypt/live/gitlab.omniteklabs.com/chain.pem
fullchain = /etc/letsencrypt/live/gitlab.omniteklabs.com/fullchain.pem
version = 0.17.0
archive_dir = /etc/letsencrypt/archive/gitlab.omniteklabs.com
# Options and defaults used in the renewal process
installer = None
authenticator = webroot
account = e968d255a3d5e159a99f8795ef23cd32
gitlab.omniteklabs.com = /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public
project.omniteklabs.com = /opt/openproject/public
I did a dry run after I changed that, and apparently that worked… figures it was something really small like that.
omnitek@gitlab:~$ sudo certbot renew --dry-run
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Processing /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/gitlab.omniteklabs.com.conf
Cert is due for renewal, auto-renewing...
Plugins selected: Authenticator webroot, Installer None
Renewing an existing certificate
Performing the following challenges:
http-01 challenge for project.omniteklabs.com
http-01 challenge for gitlab.omniteklabs.com
Waiting for verification...
Cleaning up challenges
new certificate deployed without reload, fullchain is
** DRY RUN: simulating 'certbot renew' close to cert expiry
** (The test certificates below have not been saved.)
Congratulations, all renewals succeeded. The following certs have been renewed:
/etc/letsencrypt/live/gitlab.omniteklabs.com/fullchain.pem (success)
** DRY RUN: simulating 'certbot renew' close to cert expiry
** (The test certificates above have not been saved.)