Hello everyone,
First of all, I'm a noob.
I use a server were my Nextcloud is installed on a domain lile mynextcloud.fr
I installed Nextcloud with snap command, and I enabled HTTPS trought this command :
sudo nextcloud.enable-https lets-encrypt
It worked the 6 firsts month, and two days ago, I received an email telling me that my certificated will expire the 10th of october.
So I tried to setup the certbot following this tutorials : Certbot - Ubuntufocal Other
But I get stuck at the step 7, as my server is working on this machine (server I guess), I preferred use the second way that I need to keep my web server running on this machine, so I entered this command :
sudo certbot certonly --webroot
And it asks me for a webroot thingy... I didn't understand what was this, so I preferred use the old method
So the first question is : what is webroot ? And maybe there is a simpler way to setup Certbot.
As I said, as I didn't know how to configure Certbot, I finally used again the command :
sudo nextcloud.enable-https lets-encrypt
The thing is, it didn't work several times, I actually get a success message from my shell, but myu website wasn't still in HTTPS. So I tried several times (until 5 times), and now I got a message error telling me : you can't generate more than 5 certificates.
So the second question is : how to use one of those certificate ? and why it didn't work properly ?
Thanks a lot for your help guys,