Does anyone know the syntax for certbot .40 that will do a DNS challenge using a txt record instead of a cname? Cname is giving me problems and it always worked with a txt record but I can't find my notes that had the syntax written down.
This is the command I'm running:
sudo certbot certonly --manual --manual-auth-hook /etc/letsencrypt/ --preferred-challenges dns --debug-challenges -d *.your-domain -d your-domain
It asks for CNAME record to be made, not txt. I don't understand all these commands, I just copied this from somewhere like it's a run magazine in the 80s and you copy code to make a commodore 64 beep and boop but you have no idea how it worked, all you know is you copied what was in the magazine into the computer.
Is there a simple syntax for DNS challenge to do a TXT record instead of a CNAME? I don't care about having to manually go through the prompts, I just need something that works.