SWAG - No answer from DNS in TXT (duckdns)

Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. Note: you must provide your domain name to get help. Domain names for issued certificates are all made public in Certificate Transparency logs (e.g. crt.sh | example.com), so withholding your domain name here does not increase secrecy, but only makes it harder for us to provide help.

My domain is: servraid.duckdns.org

I ran this command: (swag in unraid)

It produced this output:
Requesting a certificate for servraid.duckdns.org
Unsafe permissions on credentials configuration file: /config/dns-conf/duckdns.ini
Unsafe permissions on credentials configuration file: /config/dns-conf/duckdns.ini
The DNS response does not contain an answer to the question: servraid.duckdns.org. IN TXT
Ask for help or search for solutions at https://community.letsencrypt.org. See the logfile /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log or re-run Certbot with -v for more details.
ERROR: Cert does not exist! Please see the validation error above. Make sure you entered correct credentials into the /config/dns-conf/duckdns.ini file.

My web server is (include version):

The operating system my web server runs on is (include version):
Unraid 6.9.2

My hosting provider, if applicable, is:

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know):

I'm using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel):
The version of my client is (e.g. output of certbot --version or certbot-auto --version if you're using Certbot):

Welcome @nodiaque

I see a TXT record right now but it has no value. Did you create that? Normally the DNS plug-in creates a TXT record with the value required for the DNS Challenge. It is odd to see a TXT record with no value.

Can you show the certbot command you used? Please redact any duckdns-token

dig TXT _acme-challenge.servraid.duckdns.org @ns1.duckdns.org +short


No I don't think I created anything. I'm using a docker template for unraid, I don't know what command it use to run. But it's been working for the past 2 years so I don't get what's going on. I have another instance of the same docker that work no problem with my other domain using same token :frowning:

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Sorry, if you can't run the certbot command I don't know how to debug further with your config. Perhaps another volunteer will know something.

All I can suggest is to delete that TXT record and try again. Perhaps it is causing a conflict with the duckdns plug-in


ok, how can I do that (delete the txt record)?

Actually, you might not be able to. I see empty TXT records for other duckdns domains so maybe that's a quirk of duckdns. Might not be related to your problem. Sorry.


I think I manage to decrypt the command from the script:

certbot certonly --non-interactive --renew-by-default --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory -a dns-duckdns --dns-duckdns-credentials /config/dns-config/duckdns.ini --dns-duckdns-propagation-seconds --rsa-key-size 4096 -m email@email.com --no-eff-email --agree-tos -d servraid.duckdns.org

I'm soon signing off for night but usually the propagation-seconds has a value. At least try adding one. the default is:

 --dns-duckdns-propagation-seconds 60

it's probably 60 that goes there too, I didn't find the reference but I saw it was loading other files for default config.

certbot certonly --non-interactive --renew-by-default --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory -a dns-duckdns --dns-duckdns-credentials /config/dns-conf/duckdns.ini --dns-duckdns-propagation-seconds 60 --rsa-key-size 4096 -m #### --no-eff-email --agree-tos -d servraid.duckdns.org

Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Requesting a certificate for servraid.duckdns.org
Unsafe permissions on credentials configuration file: /config/dns-conf/duckdns.ini
Unsafe permissions on credentials configuration file: /config/dns-conf/duckdns.ini
The DNS response does not contain an answer to the question: servraid.duckdns.org. IN TXT
Ask for help or search for solutions at https://community.letsencrypt.org. See the logfile /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log or re-run Certbot with -v for more details.

Here's the log file

This is the output with -v

Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Plugins selected: Authenticator dns-duckdns, Installer None
Requesting a certificate for servraid.duckdns.org
Performing the following challenges:
dns-01 challenge for servraid.duckdns.org
Unsafe permissions on credentials configuration file: /config/dns-conf/duckdns.ini
Unsafe permissions on credentials configuration file: /config/dns-conf/duckdns.ini
Cleaning up challenges
The DNS response does not contain an answer to the question: servraid.duckdns.org. IN TXT
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Start to finish, the entire logfile spanned less than two seconds:

2022-10-11 23:26:07,746:DEBUG:certbot._internal.main:certbot version: 1.31.0
2022-10-11 23:26:09,250:ERROR:certbot._internal.log:The DNS response does not contain an answer to the question: servraid.duckdns.org. IN TXT

I think the empty propagation time might have something to do with this problem.


You can see on my log file from pastebin that the propagation is 60. I also posted just before it the result of running the command by hand with the 60, which yield the same result. After, I ran it again with -v and put the output after the pastebin link.

The value wasn't blank, I just didn't knew the value until I found out in that log file, the command line was written and its 60.

Thank you

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I'm getting the same error

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The command line does show '60', but the timestamps disagree with that required wait time.
It fails within two seconds.


Can either of you (@nodiaque & @boxerboyhomer) try an alternate FREE CA?
[so that we can see if it is cPanel or LE]

Try the command manually to see if it really does wait 60 seconds.

Add --debug-challenges so that certbot pauses and we can check DNS for the TXT records at that point in the process.


The key lines for this error in the log are:

2022-10-11 23:26:08,877:DEBUG:certbot._internal.error_handler:Encountered exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/certbot_dns_duckdns/cert/client.py", line 82, in _perform
    txt_values = custom_resolver.resolve(duckdns_domain, "TXT")
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dns/resolver.py", line 1090, in resolve
    (answer, done) = resolution.query_result(response, None)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dns/resolver.py", line 696, in query_result
    raise NoAnswer(response=answer.response)
dns.resolver.NoAnswer: The DNS response does not contain an answer to the question: servraid.duckdns.org. IN TXT

It says the error was from line 82 in the duckdns plug-in. You should probably post this problem to the github for this plug-in (HERE). They will have more experience on their code. You can see the failing code HERE (just scroll down to line 82)

I don't have any good guesses as to why that DNS function is failing.

It looks like a failure setting up the TXT info before the challenge. The challenge has not started so the problem is not in the Let's Encrypt servers.


But everything is working fine on my other container, same version, just with a different host (but same token)

I did run the command manually, that's what I posted last time.

Here is the log with --debug-challenges

Just tried with zerossl, same error

edit: so I downgraded my swag version to one that is 20 days older, and it worked. So there's something with the latest version of the container it seems.

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Is your working system also on Python 3.9?


I'm trying to check but running python yield error saying it doesn't exist... I'm pretty sure it's there, just need to find where the package is installed.

edit: yes, it's python 3.9

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