We are getting the following error when trying to validate an order:
"During secondary validation: CAA record for onu.edu prevents issuance"
Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. Note: you must provide your domain name to get help. Domain names for issued certificates are all made public in Certificate Transparency logs (e.g. crt.sh | example.com), so withholding your domain name here does not increase secrecy, but only makes it harder for us to provide help.
// context.Location is a string value of the format "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/order/75419561/264362963117"
var order = Acme.Order(new Uri(context.Location));
var authz = (await order.Authorizations()).First();
var challenge = await authz.Http()
await challenge.Validate();`
It produced this output:
"error": {
"type": "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:caa",
"detail": "During secondary validation: CAA record for onu.edu prevents issuance",
"status": 403
Due to the documentation, I would expect the challenge.Validate() to inherit the CNAME's CAA record, however the error seems to be using the parent domain instead.
My web server is (include version):
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The operating system my web server runs on is (include version):
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I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know):
I'm using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel):
The version of my client is (e.g. output of certbot --version or certbot-auto --version if you're using Certbot):
I'm a little stumped by this one, but as an FYI to help get troubleshooting started, engagevanity.campuslabs.com is itself a CNAME. There's a whole chain of CNAMEs here:
northernnetwork.onu.edu to
engagevanity.campuslabs.com to
se-infra-reverseproxy.azurewebsites.net to
waws-prod-bn1-013a.sip.azurewebsites.windows.net to
For most DNS implementations, a CNAME precludes the existence of any other records, so the CAA record on engagevanity.campuslabs.com is ignored. I think our behavior here will be to follow the chain of CNAMEs to its end, waws-prod-bn1-013.eastus2.cloudapp.azure.com, and then look for CAA records up the tree. There are none, so the CAA check should succeed.
Either something has changed in your DNS very recently, or some part of my understanding is wrong, probably the latter. My understanding of the rest was wrong; see below!
During CAA checking, a CNAME is only followed once, for the exact name it exists on. The CAA spec doesn't then ascend from there; it only ascends from the original name.
In your particular case, the CAA record checks would be:
waws-prod-bn1-013.eastus2.cloudapp.azure.com (due to the chain of CNAMES)
James' point about CNAMEs precluding all other records is important here: from the perspective of the rest of the internet (and per the DNS spec) the CAA record that you've placed on northernnetwork.onu.edudoesn't exist, since no other records can exist alongside a CNAME.
I did not -- note that the hypothetical setup has a CNAME from example.com to example.org, which causes the CAA checking algorithm to look for CAA records on example.org.
The root domain, "onu.edu", definitely has CAA records, but we just want to issue a certificate for the subdomain "northernnetwork.onu.edu".
I also don't understand what you mean by "During CAA checking, a CNAME is only followed once, for the exact name it exists on."
Wouldn't that mean, in my particular case, the CAA checks would be?
engagevanity.campuslabs.com (due to the CNAME only being followed once??)
If the first check is only going to get the CAA from "waws-prod-bn1-013.eastus2.cloudapp.azure.com", Why do all the tools to view CAA records only look at the first CNAME, then the parent, e.g. the order seems to be
I don't know what other information to supply. Or how to troubleshoot this further.
This also works for other domains setup in this manner. We used to following domain (northernnetwork.ratebeans.today) to troubleshoot the issue on our end, before posting this help request.
Thanks for your help and explanations. Admittingly, I am at the limit of my understanding of DNS, but have been learning a lot from this conversation and reading over the past few days, so thank you for that.
I would also like to know the answers to those validation questions.
SIDE NOTE In our code we check for CAA issues before sending a cert order, specifically that we have zero CAA OR a letsencrypt.org entry. And that DNS lookup passes OK.
Meaning that the chain of CNAMEs is followed at each level, but further checks of the parents of the targets of the CNAME aren't done. That is, given:
a.example.com CNAME to a.example.org
a.example.org CNAME to a.example.net
Then for a certificate request for a.example.com a CAA will get checked for a.example.net, but further checks on example.org and example.net aren't done if a.example.net doesn't have a CAA record. In that case, only example.com and com are checked, in sequence. I can see how saying "only once" was confusing, it didn't mean "only one layer of CNAME", just that further checks aren't done on parent domains of the targets of the CNAMEs.
Yes, because that's what the chain of CNAMEs for northernnetwork.onu.edu ends up at.
Well, the DNS server for engagevanity.campuslabs.com is horribly broken trying to serve both a CNAME and a CAA record for that name, so I'm not surprised tooling is inconsistent at trying to make some sense of it.
The DNS server for engagevanity.campuslabs.com needs to be fixed so that it isn't trying to send both a CAA record and a CNAME record. The CAA record allowing Let's Encrypt to issue needs to be at the end of the chain of CNAMEs, or on a higher level of the original name being requested.