How do I disable fcgi with nginx?
I just checked, it exists.
But is it working?
A question for an nginx
How do I check that?
Sounds like a question for an nginx
You could try adding the below location
right below the location /
shown above and just before your location
for php/fastcgi
location /test4 {
return 418;
Restart nginx and we can try connecting with
curl -i
It should get a 418 response instead of 500. It would help narrow the problem
I indeed got back 418. Does that mean the problem is in / block?
Yes, it shows the cert config for that domain is working normally. The problem is requests using URI for a .php fail with a 500.
Something looks wrong with php and/or fastcgi generally and nothing related to Let's Encrypt certs.
Weird. I commented out fastcgi_pass line and when I refreshed, the contents of index.php was downloaded with the extension .dms.
Change the entire location:
If you mean that line should be in the .php$ location, it already is.
I mean [as a test] change that location to something else:
location ~ \.php$ {
location ~ \.xxx$ {
I did, now when I do curl, I get the php file but on the browser I get whitescreen.
I would put pack that php location.
And also add a location to handle the ACME challenge requests in the HTTP vhost:
[something simple for testing, like below]
location /.well-known/acme-challege/ {
root /some/new/unique/ACME/path; # <<< you need to create this new path
error_log /var/log/nginx/ACME-error.log;
access_log /var/log/nginx/ACME-access.log;
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