So I am running centos 7.7 , I am running apache, and SQLite for my database… My domain is where I am using it just as a Nextcloud login for a few users. I am trying to create a SSL with Let’s encrypt and I have the certificates created but for some reason am coming up against this error:
This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response.
[Try running Windows Network Diagnostics](javascript:diagnoseErrors()).
I have a suspicion of what is going on - and it is that for some reason my web server is serving HTTP over 443 - but I can’t figure out how or where to change this.
So, some config files to give a bigger picture -
my apache nextcloud config file that is located in /etc/httpd/conf.d/nextcloud.conf:
<VirtualHost :443>
** ServerName*
** ServerAdmin**
** DocumentRoot /var/www/html/nextcloud** # RewriteEngine On # RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off # RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}$1 [R=301,L]
** Alias /nextcloud “/var/www/html/nextcloud/”** RewriteEngine on # Some rewrite rules in this file were disabled on your HTTPS site, # because they have the potential to create redirection loops.
[root@localhost conf.d]# curl
301 Moved Permanently
Moved Permanently
The document has moved here.
[root@localhost conf.d]# curl
curl: (35) SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.
you are my savior sir! It works I had all those old misconfigured conf files in the conf.d folder and not realizing that apache was seeing them as actual config files - I thought only nextcloud.conf was being picked up.
Once I removed all the extra conf files from the folder and reinstalled the cert it worked perfectly!!