Simplifying Renewals by Using DNS Based Challenges

that is a valid point however the challenge i have seen in the last 18 months is that clients written by certain web control panels and providers have really not delivered

users of said products/clients come on to the let’s encrypt forum with a lot of anger and accusations and while the wider community tries to help there is not much Let’s Encrypt as a CA following a standard protocol can do (ACME)

If every client writer owned their stuff I wouldn’t be at all hesitant recommending them

There are great client writers and i mentioned a few in a recent post Why Let's Encrypt Made Me A Better Cryptographer

What I am finding in reality - look at these clients -> thanks -> why did you recommend that client it’s not working etc make it work for me

As I said I am very careful in recommending clients to those I know actively participate in this forum and actively help the community
