I am running Centos 7 with 2 apache servers present. When I started building the box, I installed the apache 2.4.6 server (default install from Centos). After realizing that there are newer versions, I followed the instructions to compile and install 2.4.29. This is the version which is up and running. I want to secure the domains that are configured on 2.4.29 server. I downloaded certbot and certbot apache, but when I run certbot --apache, certbot accesses 2.4.6 server httpd.conf.
when running httpd -V, 2.4.6 is shown
Is there a way to point certbot to the other httpd server?
I am getting closer to figuring the httpd issue. When running certbot --apache as a regular user, “no domains are found in the configuration files”. When switching to the root (su -l), the domains come up correctly.
Ran apachectl -S for both accounts. The regular user account shows port 443 configuration files which do not have any domains, and the root account shows port 80 configuration files, which have all my domains, which is what I want. Any idea what is the reason for that and how to make the certbot --apache, run as a regular user account, go after port 80?