Return code:400

My domain is:

I try to get let’s encrypt certificate by ispmanager panel and get error:
return code:400

Details:JWS has invalid anti-replay nonce 25jIrIL5LI0rvzxyZXs8H68vpkHJne9Mq_X7tIsIXmI

What it can be? What are the ways of circumvention?

Screen -
I find a similar problem in the topic Return code: 400

Your site is doing a dodgy redirect: . The redirect target contains a colon but no port number.

I’m not sure if this explains the nonce error or not (depends how ISPManager works), but it would certainly prevent successful validation.

Thanks. The confirmation through the DNS helped.

Hi @Alex_Fly

What client do you use?

If the client sends a POST-request, there must be a nonce sent. This is a random value from the nonce-ressource or from the previous post.

A nonce can only used one time.

19:14:02 - Registration attempt
19:14:03 - Registration failed - Details:JWS has invalid anti-replay nonce

looks like the client sends the same nonce two times.

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