Requesting certificate for does not show (yet) any Let's Encrypt certs. And, --dry-run should force renew anyway.

Good idea to check more detailed logs.

And, what version of certbot are you running? My command does not do that.

certbot --version

Then, I suppose, using:

Wasn't enough.
It likely required making some other choice.
Maybe: You already have a similarly cert... do you want to replace it or expand it?
Maybe: I can't find the path /var/www/certbot/
Maybe: Do you want to spin up a temporary web server or use one of the following (x, y, z)?

Only running it interactively OR reviewing the logs will shed enough light on that for us to see what's going on.

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That's not a simple thing. You need to understand what it does and why. But that has nothing to di with NXDOMAIN

I have checked the log file under /var/log/dmesg and found that "docker0: port 1(veth2845b94) entered blocking state". Is this error relevant to this ?

Tried with -q and -vv but didn't work.

There is already --dry-run in the cmd log file says docker with some port entered the blocking state.
Cert --version: Could be the latest I guess as it is being downloaded into an image from docker hub.

"port entered blocking state" has little to do with DNS NXDOMAIN error.

It wasn't supposed to make it work.
It was supposed to show more detail in the LE logs.


[that will show exactly what version it is - no need for guessing]

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Yea! at `/var/www/html/nginxwelcomepage.html file is there but I am running certbot, nginx in a container with downloading the image from docker hub. So the directory shouldn't be there for both nginx and certbot.

The above nginx directory exists coz once I have installed the nginx on the VM.
If directories are not there, They should be created as soon as the cmd executed inside the docker-compose file.
I just wan to assign a certificate to the default nginx page which is running inside a container.

The certbot image is downloaded from docker hub so it's at the latest version "image: certbot/certbot".

Does it require to create MX record for the error of entered blocking state ?

is NOT a version number.

Instead show:

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The actual "latest" certbot version is 1.27.0
So, it helps to be clear/specific.

What shows?:
certbot certificates


Yes, Using certbot as service in docker to get the certificates from letsencrypt ACME.

@rg305 : Any thoughts over it ?

Please provide the requested details first before asking an update. Thank you :slight_smile:


I think you are missing/ignoring my request:


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