Hi everyone,
Is possible to use --preferred-challenges dns-01
with renew
if so, is the challenge always a new one at every run of the command ?
or can I let the challenge in my DNS ?
cerbot: 1.12.0
Hi everyone,
Is possible to use --preferred-challenges dns-01
with renew
if so, is the challenge always a new one at every run of the command ?
or can I let the challenge in my DNS ?
cerbot: 1.12.0
What authenticator are you using? --manual
and creating the TXT records by hand? If so, you will want to read this.
Thank you @_az
let's say someone create the first certificate with certbot --nginx
adapt the outputted config to his need and remove the cronjob.
Then later on want to renew manually the certs
Can he use ?
certbot certonly -d sub.example.com --manual --preferred-challenges dns-01 --agree-tos --rsa-key-size 2048
Why isn't --nginx
suitable for renewing the certificate anymore? Why do you want to use the DNS challenge?
If you want to hand-renew an existing --nginx
certificate using --manual
(big sigh), then maybe try:
certbot run --cert-name sub.example.com -d sub.example.com \
-i nginx -a manual --preferred-challenges dns-01
Thanks @_az I will try
certbot run --cert-name sub.example.com -d sub.example.com \
-i nginx -a manual --preferred-challenges dns-01
at the next opportunity !
I also don't understand the sudden need for the DNS challenge. \
Looks like you're only introducing more trouble, e.g. you cannot automatically renew the cert you are about to try. Please provide more info so we can guide you better.
@SpongeBOB are you wanting have certificates issued for domain names containing wildcard domain names?
I like the DNS challenge, because I do not need to run a temp http server. That I didn't reviews the code and therefore I don't know what it does.
If you don't have a webserver running on that host (e.g. because it's a mailserver) you could also use the build in temporary webserver offered by the --standalone
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