I love letsencrypt since before day one
today I installed a new server from scratch, debian 10,
apache and php 7, and mysql, you know...
and the first site I wanted to enable for apache, produced a strange
after successfully installing a new Cert, with a freshly installed -- using snapd -- Certbot,
using the command "certbot --apache",
the usual redirect / https://website.eu didn't work...
nor did the usual letsencrypt "rewrite engine On" redirection...
and no error reports, no apache configuration glitches whatsoever...
I somehow realized that the config file for the domain
didn't end where it was supposed to...
like "
vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet
but went on...
and there was the port:80 config file there...
and ans soon as I removed that unwanted text,
the redirection worked like charm, like it would always work...
all day, during this installation, my mouse's middle click would usually produce two pastes...
so, yes, it could have been possible that I've pasted something twice...
BUT below the https config block there was the
normal http block, the "port 80" one...
so, it was no "double paste", not to mention that
I got the config files untouched from another server, and I could check the original, and negative, it was free of this "port 80" block
so I'm about 90% positive that this is a BUG, that's why I'm reporting it...
(I hope it's okay)
- thank you for developing letscencrypt- - -