I’m on Ubuntu 16.04, and I installed certbot and ran:
sudo letsencrypt --apache
I went through the install, it worked fine, I even ran a successful SSL test, BUT I didn’t realise the * next to a domain in the installer meant it would install certs for all those domains. (Only one domain was highlighted, just thought those asterisks were bullet points)
So I deleted /etc/letsencrypt and removed all the SSL stuff from my apache configs, and the extra .conf files it created.
Now when I run letsencrypt again I don’t get the full install procedure, I don’t get to choose, for example, whether it always redirects to HTTPS, etc… It just says “congratulations!.. etc…” but it doesn’t update the config files again. HTTPS doesn’t work anymore, and I suppose the missing config changes are the reason.
Any idea on how to proceed?