Receiving tons of Acme Challenges with a successful and active domain name

Hi !

I successfully added Let's Encrypt to my domain name in my Apache webserver through certbot software.

Everything is working perfectly and the certificate is active (expires in about 2 months).

But I'm receiving a lot of requests of this kind (every day!):


Obviously, it returns 404 since the .well-known directory does not exists. It's created with certbot installation/renewal process, and after that is deleted.

Why is that? How can I avoid this requests?

Thank you

If you are not calling for those verifications, ignore them.

Somebody is trying (and failing) to obtain a certificate for your domain. Or they are just hitting your server with those requests. What IP address are they coming from?


Could you be making faulty requests in a cron job or systemd timer? For example, if you were issuing certonly --webroot -w X type certbot commands with a wrong X value for your DocumentRoot folder you would see 404 requests.

Check /var/log/letsencrypt folder for history of certbot runs to see if it is you.


All request have the User Agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Let's Encrypt validation server; +", that's the reason of my doubt

This is just for the last week ... so you can notice the times requests were done, and the IP's ...

timestamp	request.user_ip
1/31/2022 12:18pm	2602:fd3f:3:10a:0:242:ac11:23
1/31/2022 12:14pm
1/31/2022 7:21am	2600:1f14:804:fd02:dcdc:391a:9b83:9c03
1/31/2022 7:21am	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/31/2022 7:21am	2600:3000:1511:200::30
1/31/2022 7:21am	2600:3000:1511:200::1d
1/31/2022 7:21am	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/31/2022 7:21am	2600:3000:1511:200::1d
1/31/2022 7:21am	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/31/2022 7:21am	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/31/2022 7:21am	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/31/2022 7:21am	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/31/2022 7:21am	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/31/2022 7:21am	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/31/2022 7:21am	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/31/2022 7:21am	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/31/2022 7:21am	2600:1f14:804:fd02:dcdc:391a:9b83:9c03
1/31/2022 7:21am	2600:3000:1511:200::31
1/31/2022 7:21am
1/31/2022 7:21am
1/31/2022 7:21am
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2600:3000:2710:200::1d
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2600:1f14:804:fd02:dcdc:391a:9b83:9c03
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2600:3000:2710:200::1d
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2600:3000:2710:200::31
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2600:1f14:804:fd02:dcdc:391a:9b83:9c03
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2600:1f14:804:fd02:dcdc:391a:9b83:9c03
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2600:3000:2710:200::1d
1/30/2022 3:19pm	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/30/2022 3:19pm
1/30/2022 3:19pm
1/30/2022 12:31am	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/30/2022 12:31am	2600:3000:1511:200::31
1/30/2022 12:31am	2600:3000:1511:200::30
1/30/2022 12:31am	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/30/2022 12:31am	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/30/2022 12:31am	2600:3000:1511:200::1d
1/30/2022 12:31am	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/30/2022 12:31am	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/30/2022 12:31am	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/30/2022 12:31am	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/30/2022 12:31am	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/30/2022 12:31am	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/30/2022 12:31am	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/30/2022 12:31am	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/30/2022 12:31am	2600:3000:2710:200::31
1/30/2022 12:31am
1/30/2022 12:31am
1/30/2022 12:31am
1/29/2022 7:27pm	2600:3000:1511:200::1d
1/29/2022 7:27pm	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/29/2022 7:27pm	2600:3000:1511:200::31
1/29/2022 7:27pm	2600:3000:1511:200::1e
1/29/2022 7:27pm	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/29/2022 7:27pm	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/29/2022 7:27pm	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/29/2022 7:27pm	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/29/2022 7:27pm	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/29/2022 7:27pm	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/29/2022 7:27pm	2600:3000:1511:200::1d
1/29/2022 7:27pm	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/29/2022 7:27pm	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/29/2022 7:27pm	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/29/2022 7:27pm
1/29/2022 7:27pm
1/29/2022 7:27pm
1/29/2022 7:27pm
1/29/2022 3:38am	2600:3000:2710:200::30
1/29/2022 3:38am	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/29/2022 3:38am	2600:3000:2710:200::1d
1/29/2022 3:38am	2600:3000:2710:200::31
1/29/2022 3:38am	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/29/2022 3:38am	2600:1f14:804:fd02:dcdc:391a:9b83:9c03
1/29/2022 3:38am	2600:1f14:804:fd02:dcdc:391a:9b83:9c03
1/29/2022 3:38am	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/29/2022 3:38am	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/29/2022 3:38am	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/29/2022 3:38am	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/29/2022 3:38am	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/29/2022 3:38am	2600:3000:1511:200::1e
1/29/2022 3:38am	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/29/2022 3:37am	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/29/2022 3:37am	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/29/2022 3:37am
1/29/2022 3:37am
1/29/2022 3:37am
1/29/2022 3:37am
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2600:3000:2710:200::31
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2600:3000:2710:200::1e
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2600:3000:2710:200::30
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2600:3000:1511:200::1d
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/28/2022 4:40pm	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/28/2022 4:40pm
1/28/2022 4:40pm
1/28/2022 4:40pm
1/28/2022 4:40pm
1/28/2022 4:56am	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/28/2022 4:56am	2600:3000:1511:200::30
1/28/2022 4:56am	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/28/2022 4:56am	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/28/2022 4:56am	2600:3000:1511:200::31
1/28/2022 4:56am	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/28/2022 4:56am	2600:3000:1511:200::1e
1/28/2022 4:56am	2600:1f14:804:fd02:dcdc:391a:9b83:9c03
1/28/2022 4:56am	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/28/2022 4:56am	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/28/2022 4:56am	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/28/2022 4:56am	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/28/2022 4:56am	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/28/2022 4:56am	2600:3000:2710:200::31
1/28/2022 4:56am	2600:1f14:804:fd02:dcdc:391a:9b83:9c03
1/28/2022 4:56am	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/28/2022 4:56am
1/28/2022 4:56am
1/28/2022 4:56am
1/28/2022 4:56am
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2600:3000:2710:200::1d
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2600:3000:2710:200::30
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2600:3000:2710:200::1e
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2600:1f14:804:fd02:dcdc:391a:9b83:9c03
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2600:3000:1511:200::1e
1/27/2022 11:20pm	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/27/2022 11:19pm
1/27/2022 11:19pm
1/27/2022 11:19pm
1/27/2022 11:19pm
1/27/2022 6:52am	2600:3000:1511:200::1e
1/27/2022 6:52am	2600:3000:1511:200::30
1/27/2022 6:52am	2600:3000:1511:200::30
1/27/2022 6:52am	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/27/2022 6:52am	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/27/2022 6:52am	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/27/2022 6:52am	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/27/2022 6:52am	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/27/2022 6:52am	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/27/2022 6:52am	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/27/2022 6:52am	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/27/2022 6:52am	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/27/2022 6:52am	2600:3000:2710:200::31
1/27/2022 6:52am	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/27/2022 6:52am	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/27/2022 6:52am	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/27/2022 6:52am
1/27/2022 6:52am
1/27/2022 6:52am
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2600:3000:1511:200::31
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2600:3000:1511:200::1e
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2600:3000:1511:200::1d
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2600:3000:2710:200::1d
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/26/2022 12:21pm	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/26/2022 12:21pm
1/26/2022 12:21pm
1/26/2022 12:21pm
1/26/2022 12:21pm
1/26/2022 3:15am	2600:3000:1511:200::31
1/26/2022 3:15am	2600:3000:1511:200::31
1/26/2022 3:15am	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/26/2022 3:15am	2600:3000:1511:200::1d
1/26/2022 3:15am	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/26/2022 3:15am	2600:1f14:804:fd02:dcdc:391a:9b83:9c03
1/26/2022 3:15am	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/26/2022 3:15am	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/26/2022 3:15am	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/26/2022 3:15am	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/26/2022 3:15am	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/26/2022 3:15am	2600:3000:1511:200::1e
1/26/2022 3:15am	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/26/2022 3:15am	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/26/2022 3:15am	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/26/2022 3:15am
1/26/2022 3:15am
1/26/2022 3:15am
1/26/2022 3:15am
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2600:3000:2710:200::31
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2600:3000:2710:200::1e
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2600:3000:2710:200::31
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2600:3000:2710:200::31
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2600:1f14:804:fd01:26e9:d143:22f9:90af
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2a05:d014:3ad:702:5e21:33c4:d5b3:ec3a
1/25/2022 3:25pm	2600:1f16:269:da00:e45:a547:1761:71
1/25/2022 3:25pm
1/25/2022 3:25pm
1/25/2022 3:25pm
1/25/2022 1:33am	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/25/2022 1:33am	2600:3000:1511:200::31
1/25/2022 1:33am	2600:3000:1511:200::1e
1/25/2022 1:33am	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/25/2022 1:33am	2600:3000:1511:200::31
1/25/2022 1:33am	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/25/2022 1:33am	2600:1f14:804:fd02:dcdc:391a:9b83:9c03
1/25/2022 1:33am	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/25/2022 1:33am	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/25/2022 1:33am	2a05:d014:3ad:700:2636:9bd6:4525:3c72
1/25/2022 1:33am	2600:1f14:804:fd02:dcdc:391a:9b83:9c03
1/25/2022 1:33am	2600:1f16:269:da02:295d:8c92:b202:43ac
1/25/2022 1:33am	2600:3000:1511:200::31
1/25/2022 1:33am	2a05:d014:3ad:701:cace:1ed4:ea8b:49f
1/25/2022 1:33am	2600:1f16:269:da01:93df:3a01:5143:6ae0
1/25/2022 1:33am	2600:1f14:804:fd00:1a23:ba70:d216:d839
1/25/2022 1:33am
1/25/2022 1:33am
1/25/2022 1:33am
1/25/2022 1:33am

No, as you can see in the report of "requests and ip's" the IP is not the same, and it's not mine :wink:

Are all the tokens (the last part of the requested path) the same? Or different every time?

Note that anyone can request a certificate for a certain domain even if that will never succeed. So if I'd continuously request certificates for e.g., the servers of will continuously see validation attempts.. Annoying, yes. Harmful, no.


I am not familiar with that log report. Often the IP is the system making the HTTP request to you which would be the Let's Encrypt Server. So, it is not surprising to see different IPs

What does your local Let's Encrypt log folder look like? As I described before

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The tokens are always the same per domain ... so, I have 4 domains in that host, and I'm receiving always requests like:

So, yes always the same tokens ...

Annoying, yes ... because I have monitorized all the 404's and those are all 404, since the .well-known directory does not exists ... it's just created on the fly when certbot needs to renew the cert, and then deleted again.

If the tokens are always identical, it suggests that a single ACME client is responsible for those attempts. Perhaps a malfunctioning one on your own server, maybe someone else, hard to say.


That log is just a CSV taken from my "" report ... just to notice and see the times and ip's of these massive requests.

letsencrypt.log has nothing at all for this last week ... (the time period I sent the logs above)

Did you try using a different ACME client in addition to Certbot? Maybe it has a faulty cron job or timer running?

If those requests are not from you there is little you can do about it. You cannot block the originating IPs if they are Let's Encrypt servers as they need access to your system to renew your cert.

I think it more likely something is making those requests on your system. You could check you cron log to see if anything runs at those times. As one idea.


The three most frequent causes for this that I've seen are:

  1. The user switched ACME clients, and there is still a crontab running for the old client.
  2. Another user on that machine has a crontab running
  3. The user switched webservers, and there is still an old server/virtual-server running in the cloud that is trying to renew Certbot.

Edit: The best way to bugfix 1&2 is to check the crons for each user, as there may not be anything in the logs.


Those IPs seem legitimate.
I have to agree that the most likely scenario is a previously setup ACME client is trying to renew expired cert(s).
Have you used multiple ACME clients?
Have you moved your site from one server to another?


Adding on ... Let's Encrypt production servers make 4 attempts from different IP addresses per domain name http challenge. So, you said you have 4 domains and there were 16 requests in the log you showed (and a couple more as possible comms failure retries). This further indicates that it is related specifically to something you have done rather than some random other person making an attempt.


It's a completely new host, when I typed all commands :wink:

I installed apache2 and then certbot.

So, completely sure there's no more ACME clients, unless certbot does something we don't know.

Commands used related to this topic:

sudo apt-get install apache2

i created the virtualhost.conf manually, and then

sudo certbot --apache

and follow the instructions

Nothing else, nothing more ...

I usually checked the "timer" is running verifying the status with:

sudo systemctl status certbot.timer

That's all I did (I see even in the history log)

What about the old host? It might be an acme client running there.


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