Rate limit adjustement deny. Why?


I have a cpanel server for a technical school and we use it for all students in web dev courses.

Since I have more than 300 students, I hit the domain rate limit at each start of the session. All students have a cpanel account with a subdomain name (ex: student1.domain.com, student2.domain.com).

The full error:

WARN AutoSSL failed to create a new certificate order because the server’s Let’s Encrypt account (https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/acct/xxxxxxxxxxx) has reached a rate limit. (429 urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rateLimited (The request exceeds a rate limit) (Error creating new order :: too many certificates already issued for "xxxxxx.net". Retry after 2022-11-30T10:00:00Z: see Rate Limits - Let's Encrypt)) You may contact Let’s Encrypt to request a change to this rate limit.

So, I request a change on my rate limit for my account by filling the appropriate form.

But I receive a "generic" email saying that I'm not eligible to a rate limit adjustement. This email is so generic that I don't even know what is the reason. I already check the "generic" reason:

There are many reasons that can lead to ineligibility, including:
• providing incomplete information and leaving out the account ID or requested override type/value, or
• requesting an override for a rate limit that does not allow overrides, or
• having a client request pattern that indicates a rate limit override is not the solution.

I'm pretty sure I put all the information on the for, including my account ID and overide type/value
I'm sure that a override is possible since the error mention it
And for the client request pattern... That don't really help me.

So, if anyone have a idea how I can manage to have let's encrypt work on my cpanel?

Thank you

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Did you make sure to specify only the Account ID? i.e. Did you make sure to leave the below field empty?


To add to the above comment: as far as I know it's either a rate limit override by domain(s) or by account ID. You cannot fill out both.


Yes, I only specify my account ID since this is what they recommand. I left the domain empty.

This is also an important point to highlight. If we see from a client's recent history that they're receiving 429 (rate limit) response codes, but still retrying very quickly (multiple times per second), we will deny that rate limit adjustment. We can't grant additional resources to clients that misuse those resources.


Good to know but I think that cpanel will retry 2 or 3 time a day. So I will disable the autocheck and do another request.

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