I have a cpanel server for a technical school and we use it for all students in web dev courses.
Since I have more than 300 students, I hit the domain rate limit at each start of the session. All students have a cpanel account with a subdomain name (ex: student1.domain.com, student2.domain.com).
The full error:
WARN AutoSSL failed to create a new certificate order because the server’s Let’s Encrypt account (https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/acct/xxxxxxxxxxx) has reached a rate limit. (429 urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rateLimited (The request exceeds a rate limit) (Error creating new order :: too many certificates already issued for "xxxxxx.net". Retry after 2022-11-30T10:00:00Z: see Rate Limits - Let's Encrypt)) You may contact Let’s Encrypt to request a change to this rate limit.
So, I request a change on my rate limit for my account by filling the appropriate form.
But I receive a "generic" email saying that I'm not eligible to a rate limit adjustement. This email is so generic that I don't even know what is the reason. I already check the "generic" reason:
There are many reasons that can lead to ineligibility, including:
• providing incomplete information and leaving out the account ID or requested override type/value, or
• requesting an override for a rate limit that does not allow overrides, or
• having a client request pattern that indicates a rate limit override is not the solution.
I'm pretty sure I put all the information on the for, including my account ID and overide type/value
I'm sure that a override is possible since the error mention it
And for the client request pattern... That don't really help me.
So, if anyone have a idea how I can manage to have let's encrypt work on my cpanel?
Thank you