client_acme.answer_challenge(dns_challenge, response)
print(" print : %s" % client_acme.answer_challenge(dns_challenge, response))
finalized_orderr = client_acme.poll_and_finalize(orderr)
this is a part of my code and this is the output :
"errorMessage": "",
"errorType": "ValidationError",
"requestId": "4a93c1e4-07c0-44ad-85a0-a98d9c8a3417",
"stackTrace": [
" File "/var/task/", line 240, in main\n cert_path, private_key_path = request_certificate_from_letsencrypt(csr, private_key)\n",
" File "/var/task/", line 214, in request_certificate_from_letsencrypt\n certificate = dns01_challenge(orderr, DOMAIN, private_key_jwk, client_acme)\n",
" File "/var/task/", line 186, in dns01_challenge\n finalized_orderr = client_acme.poll_and_finalize(orderr)\n",
" File "/var/task/acme/", line 184, in poll_and_finalize\n orderr = self.poll_authorizations(orderr, deadline)\n",
" File "/var/task/acme/", line 209, in poll_authorizations\n raise errors.ValidationError(failed)\n"
Function Logs:
START RequestId: 4a93c1e4-07c0-44ad-85a0-a98d9c8a3417 Version: $LATEST
print : ChallengeResource(body=ChallengeBody(chall=DNS01(token=b'\x9a\xa2\xbc\xc7\xa2\xb5\xca\x9eWuJ\x7f\xa4L@\x7f\xa97~\x90\x1a5\x1dB7\x02\xa9+\xed\xa0\x1f\xff'), uri='', status=Status(pending), validated=None, error=None), authzr_uri='')
[ERROR] 2025-02-10T07:34:20.044Z 4a93c1e4-07c0-44ad-85a0-a98d9c8a3417 Error during certificate generation and upload:
LAMBDA_WARNING: Unhandled exception. The most likely cause is an issue in the function code. However, in rare cases, a Lambda runtime update can cause unexpected function behavior. For functions using managed runtimes, runtime updates can be triggered by a function change, or can be applied automatically. To determine if the runtime has been updated, check the runtime version in the INIT_START log entry. If this error correlates with a change in the runtime version, you may be able to mitigate this error by temporarily rolling back to the previous runtime version. For more information, see Understanding how Lambda manages runtime version updates - AWS Lambda
[ERROR] ValidationError
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/task/", line 240, in main
cert_path, private_key_path = request_certificate_from_letsencrypt(csr, private_key)
File "/var/task/", line 214, in request_certificate_from_letsencrypt
certificate = dns01_challenge(orderr, DOMAIN, private_key_jwk, client_acme)
File "/var/task/", line 186, in dns01_challenge
finalized_orderr = client_acme.poll_and_finalize(orderr)
File "/var/task/acme/", line 184, in poll_and_finalize
orderr = self.poll_authorizations(orderr, deadline)
File "/var/task/acme/", line 209, in poll_authorizations
raise errors.ValidationError(failed)
END RequestId: 4a93c1e4-07c0-44ad-85a0-a98d9c8a3417
REPORT RequestId: 4a93c1e4-07c0-44ad-85a0-a98d9c8a3417 Duration: 4236.28 ms Billed Duration: 4237 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 98 MB Init Duration: 1307.02 ms
ValidationError is thrown from this finalized_orderr = client_acme.poll_and_finalize(orderr) and print part is showing validation=None , how much does it take for pending to complete and what I can do to get other that None , the Validation