Probleme with adns sub-domains

Can not generate certificate for one domain and its subdomains. Could you help to resolve this problem?

My domain is: with sub-domains

{“type”:“urn:acme:error:rejectedIdentifier”,“detail”:"Error creating new authz :: Policy forbids

@cpu Ping. seems to be on the high value blacklist, probably because of the bank

@dataxy It looks like your domain is blocked, probably because it’s similar to a large American bank. Let’s Encrypt should be able to unblock it. It will probably take 3-10 days. :sweat:


thanks much from France ! is there anywhere else to ask for this blacklist type of problem ?

You've asked in the right place. :slightly_smiling_face: You just have to wait for the Let's Encrypt staff to investigate the issue.

Hi @dataxy, I've started the process to fix the policy error for this domain. It generally takes 5-12 days and I will update this thread once the change has been made in the production environment.

Thanks for your patience!

@mnordhoff Thanks for the @ :slight_smile:

Hi @dataxy ,

Good news - the update has been performed in production. You should be able to issue for domains without seeing any policy errors. Please let me know if you still encounter any problems.

Thanks! Take care,

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