I have a home webcam server that I want to access via https. Thus, I’m trying to set up a LetEncrypt certificate. My internet provider (Comcast) provides a non-static IP address and blocks port 443, so I have to use an alternate port and route through a DDNS service (Dynu).
I’m thinking I need to use certbot’s DNS verification to achieve this, and have executed the following command on my server…
sudo certbot certonly –manual –preferred-challenges dns
I specified nelsamia.com for the domain, and created a TXT record in the DNS with the text…
Keep in mind that if the validation already failed, then this token m17HqrYSurdnIYYOR4IC3n7xZyAi61hPNoOi2zehGVY won’t be valid and you should execute the certbot command again, take the new token and update the TXT record on dynu.
Comcast does not block any incoming http / https ports, I believe they blocked outgoing connections to SMTP ports. (And there might be other ports that are blocked, I haven't discovered any yet)
If your http and https ports are blocked, you might want to contact Comcast customer service to sort this out...