Policy forbids issuing for name RBS.ru

Good day,

our partner cannot prepare SSL for avia.rbs.ru and hotels.rbs.ru, etc.
Please, unblock domain rbs.ru.
It is old travel project! We cannot normal work.


avia.rbs.ru dns ok, but dehydratation failed somehow
 + ERROR: An error occurred while sending post-request to https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-authz (Status 400)

 "type": "urn:acme:error:rejectedIdentifier",
 "detail": "Policy forbids issuing for name",
 "status": 400


Perhaps it’s blocked because of similarity to the Royal Bank of Scotland in other countries, but also maybe unnecessarily. @cpu, want to take a look into this?

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thanks @schoen for quick reaction. Waiting for help @cpu

Hi @digital-space,

I’ve started the process to free rbs.ru domains for issuance. I’ll update this thread when the change has been made in production. Thanks for your patience!

Hi again @digital-space,

This issue should be cleared up for you now. Please let me know if you’re still having trouble issuing for rbs.ru domains.

Thanks for your patience!

Hi Daniel @cpu,

thanks for your quick help. All subdomains are works as expected.
@schoen thank you too!
Wish you all good day!
Good job!



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