Pfsense haproxy and 3 dynamic hostname

Hello everyone, I tried to get an acme certificate for my pfsense firewall with the acme duckdns procedure. The process was successful and the certificate is valid. Having on the pfsense two other free duckdns host names registered via the pfsense dynamic dns service, I would like to use these names with haproxy . My doubt is how to do it in concrete fact. Having created the account key on the pfsense, in the certificates menu I find the one in production that works regularly. To add these two names , just run add certificate after the existing one ? If yes, I just have to repeat the same certificate request procedure but with the variant of the name that interests me (one of the two names that I should configure in haproxy) and re-enter the key with the url that generated me ducdns? Thank you .

Hi @frankz66, and welcome to the LE community forum :slight_smile:

Although someone here might know how to do what you require, that might take a while...
You may be better served by an HAPROXY support channel.

I have zero knowledge of haproxy with pfSense; So, I won't be of any service to you :frowning:


Thank you for your suggestion.


This sub-forum looks like the most relevant.


Thank you for indicating this section of the forum, where above all I have been registered for several years. I hope to understand how to do it, I know several users have performed this procedure, that is all the certicati let'encryp acme on the pfsense.