Only previous cert valid after renewal

Is there a delay after the cert has been renewed for the renewed cert to be recognized?

Used certbot 0.22 and acme v2 to update certs. Executing ‘certbot certificates’ verifies the domains along with the expiry date of July 11, 2018. However, when verifying through (and via the browser) the recognized ssl cert is the previous one which expires on Apr 23, 2018.

If there is a delay, what is the approximate delay?

Required a server restart because webroot was used in the certbot command. Issue is resolved.

I’m guessing you didn’t apply the new certificate. Can you fill out the questions asked when you created this topic, specifically the command you used (if you can find/remember the original one that’s even better) and your domain?

Seeing the contents of your renewal configuration files would also be helpful. That’s /etc/letsencrypt/renewal.conf if I’m not mistaken.

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