I am using older version of ubuntu i.e.14.04. From 10th march 2021, I cannot renew my certbot certificate. It is showing certbot command not found. So I wanted to install certbot again with the given commands. But the flow to install the certbot has been changed as we need to install snapd.
I installed snapd. It was success but after that , we need to install certbot. It is showing the error as below:
error: system does not fully support snapd: you need to reboot into a 4.4
kernel to start using snapd.
Hello @ramya.manala !
Updating your ubuntu OS is the "Best Practice". You should not compromise your security for convenience under ANY circumstance.
Is there a reason you can offer NOT to upgrade your system?
Probably, but I hope @ramya.manala will update his OS regardless of which ACME client he chooses to use.