Not coming up on HTTPS

I already have set up a domain name for the server of my chat app, (, and used certbot to add a CA certificate to get HTTPS. Now, however, I would like to also get one for the domain I have pointed the A record and the http website (linked below) works. However, the client needs HTTPS to connect to and therefore I need to make it a HTTPS site. I ran the normal certbot commands as it says in their documentation, and added the domain, which it says was successful. However, three days later, still does not load. What am I doing wrong?

My domain is:

I ran this command: The one to add a CA certificate

It produced this output:

My web server is (include version):

The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): Ubuntu 22.04

My hosting provider, if applicable, is: Oracle Cloud

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know):Yes

The version of my client is (e.g. output of certbot --version or certbot-auto --version if you're using Certbot): 2.11.0

Please provide the exact command used and its output.

Also, it looks like HTTPS port 443 is not responding; it's timing out. Did you open port 443 in your firewall or firewalls?


I think so. Oh, and by the way the host is azure, not oracle cloud. It was this command: sudo certbot certonly --standalone. I cannot remember what the output was (it was 3 days ago)

Neither of your sites load for me, is the VM running? Also in azure check that http and https ports (TCP 80,443) are open in the azure networking control panel.


The VM somehow went Down... and now it wont let me SSH into it...
All because I installed firewalld.

See if you can get serial console access: Azure Serial Console - Virtual Machines | Microsoft Learn

[also installing a firewall is potentially redundant as your VM is already running on it's own virtual lan with a firewall controlled in the azure networking (security group) settings]


I can. I think I locked myself out by installing firewalld, I just found the serial console myself. How on earth am I going to fix this now... I think I should mainly just try to back up all the files somehow (not quite sure how though) before attempting something else. I dont want to lose the entire data of the app.

Use the serial console to disable the firewall and see if that indeed was the issue? That's the idea behind the serial console.


Right, OK.

Uh oh. Disabling the firewall did absolutely nothing.

How are you trying to connect to your server? Using the hostname or the IP address of your server? Because currently you have put the Cloudflare CDN in front of your website, so your hostname is resolving to Cloudflare IP addresses. And obviously you cannot SSH into a Cloudflare server.


I've fixed it, I had to disable ufw.

I should essentially focus on my original problem now.