Need to generate cert for Windows Xampp install

Ok it makes a little more sense and I have the client running. Do I use the syntax from letsencrypt or the arguments as defined in the client?

Using the simpler client arguments I’m getting an MX record error. I use cloudflare and have an MX record pointing to, which is an A record and at another server than my website. Does that matter?

So to clarify, my web server is at a different ip than my mail host. I can receive emails at the address I am using.

Edit: I found this: How to get a Let’s Encrypt certificate while using CloudFlare but it seems I have to use the arguments that the PHP client is expecting. I moved on from setup to “issue” now I get an error that my domain can’t be resolved to an IP4 record. Could this be that my router doesn’t have loopback? Internally I am using my hosts file.